
Here is Pebbles, lovely photos and a great detailed update from puppy raiser, Niamh...

“Pebbles is now 8 months old and her confidence is growing more each week. She has been to Smyths and Nimble Fingers where she walks beautifully past the plushies even though these are her absolute favourite. She has been to many restaurants and cafés and has patiently accompanied her raiser grocery shopping in Dunnes and ALDI. The sheep figure outside Fenelons butcher in Stillorgan caused her some consternation at first but now she sails past - even though her nose tilts towards the aromas wafting from the butcher. She visited Dundrum Shopping Centre in the evening when it was quiet and popped into the cinema for a brief visit to a movie. She was alarmed at first walking into the darkness but an offer of cheese sealed the deal and she lay down happily keeping her attention on the lovely treats she received while she was there. She has met her brother Pepe and another trainee puppy called Dillon for free runs and her recall is strong even when she's zooming around with her friends”

We're thrilled to hear she is doing so well. And she got to meet her brother Pepe - one of our other sponsored dogs. Well done Pebbles! heart